Yesterday, I announced that I had failed in the recipe/cooking department. Well, unfortunately, that failness has rolled on over today. I attempted to make another dish, which was so bad that I'm not going to share it this time. It was that bad. Then I received bad news X 3. I had an impromptu meeting at work near lunch time. When it finally ended, my co-worker beat me to lunch break so I had to wait till she returned. When she came back, I was going to pick something up at Ralphs since I didn't bring lunch today but I gigantic moving truck was blocking my car. So, I was forced to buy lunch from an expensive restaurant nearby only to discover that the moving truck was just leaving when I picked up my food. Perfect timing. It's okay though because my lunch ended up being quite fantastical.
I always eat dessert first because I find that there's usually no room after you eat your entree. I don't care what parents tell you or what social protocol calls for. Dessert first. Always eat dessert first.
Chicken, dried mission figs,arugula, caramelized onions, smoked gouda cheese, and mango honey drizzle. |
Tomorrow morning I need to bake cupcakes for my friend's bday. I'm praying that the cooking gods will be nice to me and break this kitchen curse I've experienced for the past 2 days. =)
May the cooking gods treat you well today, Jessica!